Who is he? Bio (basically the same, just more personal detail) How can he benefit me as a financial advisor?
What is his
perspective on investing? Investment
portfolios (.pdf format - Adobe Acrobat necessary to read) How we are swimming in
a sinking US dollar. What articles has he published on management? Investigating problems in the workplace (.pdf format) Mentoring, correcting, and disciplining employees An inside look at a peer evaluation system Examples of Websites created,
maintained, and promoted:
Excerpts:PERFORMANCE "Duties were consistently performed with the
highest degree of professionalism, expertise, team spirit, and
dedication. Mr. LaBrie's efficiency reports identifying key aspects of
his professional responsibilities were consistently gauged as
exceptional and consistently reflected positive results. Mr.
LaBrie's departure from the service is considered a significant loss
that will become a significant gain for his future employer."---DWL
CUSTOMER SERVICE"He performed his duties very well and to the satisfaction of all he worked with. He initiated formal training programs for anesthesia technicians, established a program of regular staff meetings, helped in the procurement decision-making during the Kellogg Eye Center expansion and helped in improving customer feedback and service. I found Laurent to have excellent work habits, and to display a keen dedication to customer service."---SMMr. LaBrie "assisted me to introduce the latest fiberoptic technology to the Department of Anesthesia for the purpose of airway management."---ACDB
"He maintained positive and proactive
communications with his co-workers, including his subordinates and
seemed to be ready to serve all he worked with."--SM |
e-mail: Y!messenger ID: laurent_labrie | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"A good manager is a man who
isn't worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who
work for him... Don't worry about yourself! Take care of those who
work for you and you'll float to greatness on their achievements."---HSM
Copyright Laurent J. LaBrie 2004-2006 |