Liv-n-LetLiv is the site for promoting God's grace in churches and the world. We do this in our careers and through prosecution of fraud, the Global Assistance for Medical Equipment, iBiblioteca, vEmporium, HIV Anonim, and the Integrity InterNetwork and by providing ministry opportunities of service to orphans. Evaluate your spiritual life.
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  • Prosecuting the Baltimore County Circuit Court for denying me my Constitutional Rights (Md. Ct. Spec. App. Nov. 16, 2023) HIV support groups
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    In a world where most churches and people are driven by selfish desires, lusting after more things to put in ever growing thing-silos, and in contrast to those who are fighting over doctrinal minutiae, we want to lead people by example to simpler and happier lives of love and justice as God has taught and exemplified.  We invite you to join us.

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    The next Rembrandt van Rijn?

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    Missionaries committed to integrity and grace
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    Imagine.... ...a ministry with TOTAL TRANSPARENCY... ...where the missionaries are held accountable.... ...Where you know what they are doing because they daily post pictures of their activities.... ...Where they write clearly on a website what they believe and are teaching... ...Where they don't have hidden agendas or grudges, but instead respect people with different opinions... ...Where they care about your ideas enough to ask your opinion in surveys... ....Liv-n-LetLiv...a different way of you always imagined it could be. If you have been abused by the religious leaders and pharisees, the One who suffered their abuse has comforted us through that so that we can comfort you. 2 Cor. 1:3-4 e-mail me at e-address L

    Evaluate your spiritual life
    the eternal life challenge

    We report the corruption of Kaiser Permanente


entryWe bring the Presbyterian Church in America to the light of truth.

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    These pages are dedicated to GRACE, the gift of God that gives everyone the right to really live life.
    (The earliest record I've found of the phrase "live, let live, and help live" is from J. B. Moody around 1900
    The Exceeding Riches of the Manifold Grace of God
    p. 38)

    ©Copyright 2004-2024
    Liv-n-LetLiv is the site for promoting God's grace and love. We do this through learning programs, internet ministries like iBiblioteca, vEmporium, Casa Biblica, HIV Anonim, and the Integrity InterNetwork and by providing ministry opportunities of service to orphans. We are working to prevent Parental Child Abduction (PCA) including internationally (IPCA) and stop parental alienation (PA) Take an adventure through the Bible to evaluate your spiritual life.


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