Van Antwerp School Class of 1953 Reunion

Front Page
       graduates        also attended          in memory        whatever happened to...?        faculty and staff        remembering

School personnel:

Mrs Otto
Mrs. Ottman
Mrs Short
Miss Evans (Mrs. Bulter)
Mrs. Mc Glenahan
Mrs. Robinson
Miss Broeland
Mrs Harris
Miss Peter
Miss Rickert
Miss Duval
Miss Robinson
Miss Lawless
Miss Legfeld
Mrs Lally
Miss Long
Miss Drunagod
Miss Rhyno
Miss Woods
Miss Bradt
Miss Mang
Mrs Neal
Miss Morrison
Miss Hessler
Mrs Ryan
Mr. Flahive
Miss Montague
Miss Mattice
Mr. Putnam (Principal)
Miss Drumgool
Mr. Gleason (shop)
Mrs. Wilson (music)
Mr. Gifford (gym)
Miss Enders (testing)

       graduates        also attended          in memory        whatever happened to...?        faculty and staff        remembering

Van Antwerp School
Story Avenue
Niskayuna, NY 12309