Liv-n-LetLiv a Campaign of God's Grace

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Integrity InterNetwork:  Christian Missionaries of Integrity

Members of the Christian Integrity InterNetwork

The following foundations and individuals ascribe to our beliefs of Christian integrity and grace.
There are many people who want your resources.  These people have pledged to use them honestly and effectively for the glory of the Lord.

Those in pink have been added since December 1, 2005


Name Location e-mail Address Internet Address Summary of Ministry
Ambassadors for Christ Romania Transylvania Undisclosed Humanitary
Luminita Badita

BEE International

Asociatia Caritas Bucuresti


Adraian Constantin

CRM International Romania Undisclosed
Virgil Dan Transylvania Undisclosed Spiritual,Humanitary
Dorcas Aid International Romania Moldova Undisclosed Spiritual, Humanitary
Har asociatia de sprijin social Transylvania Undisclosed Humanitary
Iosif Ignatoaie, Intl Bible Society Moldova,Transylvania Undisclosed Spiritual
King's Kids, Romania Transylvania ministry in summer:
- camps for children and teenagers with a focus on missions
- social involvment in villages were children have abandoned school (we help
them find a way back)
- teaching children and youth: dramas, choreography etc.
Andy and Pam LaBreche, Greater Europe Mission Timisoara, TM Undisclosed
LJ and Aurelia LaBrie Curtea de Arges, AG e-mail address
Liv-n-LetLiv a Campaign of God's Grace
- Child development, evangelism and discipleship among children with tuberculosis.
- Biomedical engineering assistance.
- Internet educational resources for missionaries in Romania.
- Romania's largest Christian Library
- coordinator in Romania, helping those with HIV and preventing the spread of AIDS
International Teams Romania Transylvania Humanitarian, Spiritual, Educational
Eastern European Bible College Transylvania Undisclosed Spiritual
Marion Graham Undisclosed   Prayer ministry.
Noua Speranta Timisoara, TM Undisclosed Children's ministry
International Children's Aid Foundation Hunedoara We operate a small Christian orphanage and medical/dental clinic in Criscior, near Brad in Hunedoara.  We also operate an early childhood education program in several state orphanages, and vocational/computer training for older orphans.

Ilie Popa
Moldova, Transylvania, Wallachia Undisclosed Spiritual
Fundatia Sf. Mihail-Tecuci Birou de Consiliere si Terapie Suportiva.  Acest proiect se deruleaza in sectiile de Chirurgie si de Maternitate ale Spitalului Municipal.
Rescue Humanitarian Fundation Cluj-Napoca Our intention is to develop moral educative courses inside prisons. We activate regularly in Aiud and Arad Prison in Romania. Our mission is to develop a Christian mentality based on Christian values, emphasizing the importance of personal responsability in the community. What we need is a support for the groups that have to go from Cluj to these prisons, to buy the materials they need, to support and monitor prisoners after the prison period.
Viata in Iisus Hristos Transylvania Undisclosed Spiritual,Humanitary
Viata Re-Creational Outreach Transylvania

adventure education (which we are pioneering in Romania with the help of Project Adventure) and are creating
service learning
programs and curricula which will soon be part of the public school system.
Our two main programs right now are the summer camp Viata, and the follow-up program, Kaizen, which is Japanese for “continuous improvement.” The goal is to reweave the moral fabric of romanian society that was shredded by communism.
Cristian Voaides Transylvania Undisclosed Spiritual,Humanitary

Phone: (4) 0722.889.267

Address: Post Restant
115300 Curtea de Arges (AG)

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© 2003 Laurent J. LaBrie