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Faceti un link de la situl vostru la situl nostru.

Scrie-ti poveste!!!

Vrem sa citim experientele tale personale cu privire la HIV. Povestea ta personala va fi considerata pentru a fi publicat in editia a doua a cartii "HIV Anonymous Positive Attitudes" si in articole pe care le vom scrie.Povestea ta poate ajuta pe altcineva.

Povesti trimise la HIV Anonim intra in patrimoniul fundatiei.Din cauza lungimii, contentului sau a greselelor gramaticale, povesti pot fi corectat

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Trimite pozele tale!

Noi suntem intotdeauna interesati sa gasim moduri sa facem legaturi intre membriile si vizitorile nostri. Poti si trimiti pozele tale ca sa fie incluse pe tabloul nostru.

If you are having trouble we will do it for you--or you can read below and see if you can figure it out.

If you send an image file please specify where on the bulletin board you would like your picture to be placed (profile, singles, news, etc.)

Please send your images in the following formats:
jpg, jpeg, gif, bitmap.

You will be personally notified whenyour picture has been placedwithin our HCV-community.

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Your photo must be posted on a web site somewhere or you can not put it up. If is not on the web you can e-mail the image file to us and we will post it for you.

To post your own picture try the following.

Right click the image you want to post and click properties, then highlight and copy the Address (URL) or write it down.

In the YaBB Bulletin Board after you click "Post Reply" you will see a tool bar--click your mouse on the fourth icon from the left on the bottom. It looks like this.

Insert Image

You will see this text appear up in the text box:

[img]URL[/img] Paste or type in your URL like this example (make sure you delete URL--only)


Type in the rest of your message and click post.

To put you photo in your profile In the YaBB Bulletin Board--click profile scroll down and add your address (URL) in "I have my own pic:"

It is easy once you learn how.

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HIV Anonim:  ajutor pentru cei cu SIDA

Copyright 2003 HIV -- 129 W. Canada - San Clemente CA 92672 949-218-6793

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Desemnat de:Mark Charbonneaux si Laurent LaBrie