Abstract: "You know God is your boss when..." is a religious satire in humor of what it is like to be missionaries. We receive little value until we retire to Heaven.

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You know God is your boss when...

humor from the desk of Laurent J. LaBrie. Copyright 2004

...He supposedly tells your colleagues more about how you should change than about their shortfalls.

...He sends people to deliberately test your character.

...He usually won't confirm the direction He allegedly gave your co-workers.

...He convicts some colleagues of what they wear around their mouth but not what comes out of it.

...you are "on-duty" 24/7.

...you haven't had a vacation since 1943.

...you can be confident that confessing all your mistakes to Him won't put you on the front page of the company newsletter.

...your colleagues are always fighting over minutiae like the color of the hymnbooks.

...any time your co-workers want to take His place, He doesn't seem to object.

...you only receive ten clear directives in your career.

...work evaluations and performance awards are faint memories and/or future aspirations.

...correction comes not with yelling but in a still small voice.

...a "promotion" brings more work, more responsibility, and more criticism from others but no more pay.

...you are paid less per hour than a guy in a clown outfit paid you in highschool flipping hamburgers.

...job security is extremely good.

...pay security is not.

...your spouse and you try to guess the amount of your paycheck.

...there is no such thing as overtime.

...after seeing your friend driving a Ferrari, you comfort yourself with thoughts of how many eternal rewards you will receive in "retirement".

...your boss is also your doctor, counselor, and best friend.

Other humor:
"Real missionaries never retire"
Religious leaders counsel Jesus (A satire)

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