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Success Stories from the Believer's InterNetwork

as of 1 September 2001 What is the Believer's InterNetwork?
Request to join.  e-mail me at e-mail address.


In effort to realize our vision for a more ethical and loving body of believers, we have seen God work in the following areas:

Society Composition and Growth

  • 20 people have requested to be in the Network.
  • 3 Romanians and 2 American missionaries requested removal due to the call to ethics.
  • 2 Americans requested removal because they didn't recognize the Body of Christ.
  • Several people in Arges were excluded because of ethical issues.


  • Our organization noticed a significant error in the support-raising newsletter of an American pocait missionary and brought it to her attention. She was returned to fellowship when she sent a correction to her supporters.
  • One American missionary in Bucuresti was confronted about making false defamatory statements about other believers. He made public apology.

Unity in the Body of Christ

  • We recognize the history of Areopagus in encouraging understanding and colaboration between Orthodox, Protestant and Repenter Christians.
  • In Arges, a Judet polarized by Repenters, an Evangelical Presbyterian was chosen for the Board of Directors of an Orthodox school.
  • A Protestant colabors with Orthodox at Fundatia Medicala Profilaxis.
  • Tens of thousands of dollars worth of help has been channeled through the Network to those who have promised to use it ethically and to promote unity.

May God be praised for what He has done. By Matthew 18, we are serving as "two or three witnesses" and bringing correction and reconcilliation.

I think I express the sentiments of many of those in the society when I tell you how encouraging it is to know that there are others who believe in the holiness and harmony of the Trinity and how important it is to encourage these characteristics in the Bride. Thank you.
---Laurent J. La Brie

If you are a member of the InterNetwork and you have additional positive stories about what you have done or seen done by other members, eAgenda Credinciosilorwrite me at .

Povesti de Realizari ale eAgenda Credinciosilor

pana la 1 septembrie 2001 Ce este eAgenda Credinciosilor?
As vrea sa fac parte si eu!  Trimite-mi e-mail la e-mail address

Spre realizarea visiunii nostri pentru o Mireasa a lui Hristos mai etic si iubitoara, noi am vazut Dumnezeu sa lucreze in modurile urmatoare:

Compositie si Cresterea Societatii

  • 20 de persoane au cerut sa fie inclusi in societatea
  • 3 romani si 2 misionari americani au cerut sa nu fie inclusi pentru ca nu au fost de acord cu chemarea noastra la etica.
  • 2 misionari americani au cerut sa nu fie inclusi pentru ca nu deosebesc Trupul lui Hristos.
  • Cativa din Arges n-au fost invitati din cauza problemelor etici.


  • In noiembrie 2000, organizatia noastra a vazut o greseala semnificata in publicitatea unei pocaite americane din Timisoara si i-a aratat-o. Misionara a trimis o scrisoare s-o corecteze greseala.
  • In iulie 2001, un misionar american din Bucuresti a fost mustrat pentru barfa scandaloasa despre alti crestini. A cerut scusa in public si a promis sa se schimbe.

Unitate in Trup

  • Colaborari sunt realizate intre ortodocsi si protestanti spre gloria Domnului la Areopagus.
  • In Arges, un loc polarizat cu pocaiti, un presbiterien evanghelica a fost ales pentru un loc in Consiliul Administratii unei scoli unde majoritatele sunt ortodocsi.
  • Un protestant lucreaza intre ortodocsi la Fundatia Medicala Profilaxis.
  • Ajutor de valoare de zeci de mii de dolari a fost pus la dispozitie membrilor de catre eAgenda. Acesti membri au promis sa-l folosesc in mod etic si spre unitatea Trupului.

Dumnezeu sa fie slavit pentru ceea ce a facut. Bazat pe Matei 18, noi servim ca cei "doua sau trei martori", aducand neprihanire si reconciliare.

Daca sunteti un membru societatii si aveti alte povesti despre cei ati facut sau ceea ce ati vazut in alti membri, eAgenda Credinciosilorscrieti-ma la

Cred ca exprim sentimentele multor dintre voi cand scriu cat m-incurajeaza stiind ca sunt crestini ca cei din Societatea care apreceaza sfintenia si armonia Sfantei Traime si cum aceste calitati trebuie sa existe si in Mireasa. Mersi. ---Laurent J. La Brie

Phone:  (4) 0722.889.267

Address:  Post Restant
115300 Curtea de Arges (AG)

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© 2001-2003 Laurent J. LaBrie