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Cartoons by LJ La Brie
You may also appreciate the humorous outtakes from our wedding.
Forse ti piacerebbero le foto umorose dal nostro nozze.
Poate iti vor place poze dela nunta noastra.
Jokes from the mission field: "Real missionaries never retire"
Taking aim at Obama's 'change'.
Obama's first day as President of the USA
some humor in image retouching
Some humor in image retouching

Gaffe of the decade comes from the President of the world's Superpower.

At the signing ceremony of the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell", the law signed by his Democrat predecessor to allow homosexuals to serve in the military as long as they don't tell anyone of their sexual orientation, minute 5:00 into the speech, Obama says, "No longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uniform be asked to ...look over their shoulder in order to serve the country they love."

You are absolutely right, Mr. President. Now a million straight soldiers will have to start looking over their shoulder, and not pick up the soap in the shower, and....

That is what you get when you don't have your teleprompter, Mr. President.

Don't put your elbows on the table!
English flagMarvin didn't realize how serious his wife was
about his not putting his elbows on the table.
Italian flagAlessandro non sapeva quanto la sua moglia
voleva che lui smetti mettere la braccia sulla tavola.
Romanian flagOvidiu nu stia cat de serioasa a fost sotia
lui ca n-a vrut sa-si pune cotul pe masa.
policewoman saves her lungs
policewoman smoking

Weight lady

Italian flag 10 centesimi sapere il tuo peso
25 centesimi ~ non riderò
50 centesimi ~ non faccio barzolette
$1 ~ tengo il tuo segreto
Romanian flag 10 centi ~ te cantaresti
25 centi ~ nu rad
50 centi ~ nu fac glume
$1 ~ Nu spn nimenui
Captain Kirk intercepted by a chicken
English flagThen there was the day when the frequency carrying Captain Kirk was too close to that carrying a Klingon order from Chick-A-Fillet
Italian flagUn giorno la frequenza del transporto di Capitano Kirk era troppo vicino a quella del transporto di ordini di pollo per i Klingoni
Romanian flagO data frecventa care atransportat Captain Kirk a vost prea aproape la o comanda de pui pentru Klingonii.

Bin Laden discusses his political preferences
Italian flag"Se Bush vince, moriro' un martiro. Se Kerry vince, vivo in oscurita'. Qual'e' meglio?"
"Psst! Veramente vuole sapere le nostre idee?"
Romanian flag"Daca castige Bush, mor un martir. Daca castige Kerry, traiesc in obscuritate. Pe care vrem?"
"Tssst! Crezi ca vrea sa stie ideile noastre?"
Gameboy interferes with navigation
Peter has a senior moment and forgets where he put the keys to the
Kingdom of Heaven
English flagAfter several thousand years on the job, Peter has a senior moment at one of the most inopportune times.
Italian flagDopo qualche mille anni, Pietro mostra la sua eta' e non ricorda dove ha messo le chiave.
Romanian flagPeste cativa mii de ani in serviciul lui, Petru incepe sa nu aduce aminte unde a pus cheile

And there will be gnashing of teeth
English flagThey say that Oldman Johnston finds that the fire and brimstone sermons have lost their punch.
Italian flagLe prediche non sono piu' cosi' spaventose.
Romanian flagBunicul meu nu mai are frica de aceias predici ca anni in urma.

You may also appreciate the humorous outtakes from our wedding.
Forse ti piacerebbero le foto umorose dal nostro nozze.
Poate iti vor place poze dela nunta noastra.
Jokes from the mission field: "Real missionaries never retire"

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