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We have been very honored to be presented with so much recognition through our lives.  God blesses us and we want to pass that honor first to Him and then to those who participate with us in our life of service to Him.  May He be praised and glorified forever.
Siamo stati onorati con molti occasione dove uomini ci hanno riconosciuti per quello che abbiamo fatto.  Noi non siamo quelli di essere riconosciuti.  Dunque, vogliamo passare l'onore agli altri, primo a Dio che lo merita ed anche agli altri che participano nelle nostre vite di servizio a Lui ed a quelli che ne hanno bisogna.  Sia lodato il Signore per sempre!
Perspectives Study Program | Corso Perspettivi in Missioni January/gennaio 2003

Perspectives Study Program | Corso Perspettivi in Missioni January/gennaio 2003
For service to Valea Iasului Hospital December 2002

For service. Per servizio. Ospedale Valea Iasului Hospital December/dicembre 2002
For service to Valea Iasului Hospital January 2001

For service. Per servizio. Ospedale Valea Iasului Hospital January/gennaio 2001
Knowledge of Cancer and Sales

For expertise in cancer. Per conoscenza di cancro. DIANON Systems. 1991
Masters of Science in Business Administration, Renssalaer Politechnic Institute/Hartford Graduate Center

Masters of Science in Business Administration, Renssalaer Politechnic Institute/Hartford Graduate Center. 1995
Army Achievement Medal
Army Achievement Medal:  For logistics service during the deployment of the USAREUR Contingency Hospital in Turkey. 1989
Army Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal:  For logistics service during the deployment of the USAREUR Contingency Hospital in Italy. 1988
Army Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal:  For medical service to the 2/34th Armor, 1986
Army Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal:  For logistics service during the deployment of the USAREUR Contingency Hospital in Turkey. 1987
Life Member Eagle Scout Association

Commitment to Scouting and the Eagle Scout Association, 1981
Expert Field Medical Badge

For expertise in medical treatment in the field. Per paramedici. August/agosto 1986

Phone:  (4) 0722.889.267

Address:  Post Restant
115300 Curtea de Arges (AG)

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© 2004 Laurent J. LaBrie